BEST Robotics has a number or resources that may also help you through the problems that you are seeing. The forums are a good place to look for peer and other support
Once you have identified the problem part, do not try to repair it yourself; contact our
Soldering and Crimping
Do you know how to solder? Take a look at the Soldering and Crimping Guide for some helpful hints with your BEST soldering tasks.

The AAA batteries are used for the Vex Joystick. Below are some suggestions for using the AAA battery charger.
- Install the batteries in the charger before applying power to the charger.
- The recharge time will be over an hour for fully discharged batteries.
- A red light indicates the battery is being charged. The light will change to solid green when the charge is complete and the trickle charge starts.
- A flashing red light indicates a bad battery.
- If you press the blue button within 1 minute after applying power to the charger then the discharge cycle will start. A flashing green light indicates that the battery is being discharged. After the discharge cycle is complete for all batteries, the charge cycle will start automatically.
- Documentation

Battery management is a key component of operating a successful robot. The charger is vital to the battery management, and below are some suggestions:
- Use the “Fast Charge” switch position for the 3000 mAh Ni-MH batteries.
- In the fast charge position, recharging a dead battery will take about 105 minutes.
- During the 6-week build cycle, use the batteries until they are discharged before recharging. On competition day, keeping the batteries charged (without full discharge) shouldn’t hurt their performance since Ni-MH batteries are less affected by battery “memory.”
- Documentation

The speed controllers are quite simple, but please know the following
- Connect only one motor per speed controller.
- Note the polarity on the connector when plugging it into the Cortex.
- Do not disconnect the terminal adapter.
- Instructions

Your robot normally relies heavily on the motors working properly. To help them continue to work properly, please pay attention to the following items:
- Use the connectors supplied in the consumable kit with the motor; please don’t solder to the leads.
- Mount the motor using 8-32 screws that install on the face of the motor. Be careful of the insertion depth; the maximum depth is roughly 1/8" for the small motor, and roughly 1/4" for the large motor.
- Since the motor is not sealed, keep the motor away from any metal shavings or other debris.
- Do not glue anything to the shaft. You have been provided with wheel hubs, and other components that can be attached to the motor shaft without glue. Custom components mounted to the shaft can use a set-screw to the motor flat to provide a good interface.
- Use the motor mounts provided and use the short screws with those motor mounts to avoid damaging the gearhead.
- Small motor Specifications
- Large motor Specifications
- Small motor SolidWorks Model (step) - right click and save file
- Large motor SolidWorks Model (step) - right click and save file